Golden bliss
Golden bliss
Looking for a more unique bouquet? This perfect combination of champagne, white & gold-sprayed roses with a hint of pink carnations makes the perfect gift for your loved ones!
Height:~40cm Width:~35cm
*Featured image is for reference only. Actual color tone of flowers and fillers may differ slightly from image due to the availability and seasonality.
Shipping & Self Pickup
Shipping & Self Pickup
Local Delivery
- Delivery fee of $15.00
- No minimum spending
- Select a delivery date and time that suits your needs
- Available for delivery within 1 working day
Self Pickup at vending machines
- Private reservation fee $5
- No minimum spending
- Available for pick up within 1 working day
- 19 machine locations to choose from (check location list)
- Click here for step-by-step guide on how to collect your bouquet
Self Pickup at our HQ (Ubi Techpark)
- Free
- No minimum spending
- Select a pickup date and time that suits your needs
- Available for pickup within 1 working day
Care Instructions
Care Instructions
- Our bouquets can be kept for ~3 days in its wrapper as each bouquet contains a water pack
- After ~3 days, remove the packaging and place flowers in a vase, changing the water daily
- Alternatively, preserve the flowers by hanging them upside down for 2-3 weeks
- Check our Instagram post for more
Show your love
Flowers are the perfect way to express your love on any occasion